I am a Certified Homeopath (C.Hom) who graduated from the Lotus Health Institute, Hahnemann Academy of North America. Before studying Homeopathy, I worked in the medical field as a Nurse for over 8 years. I have worked in many different branches of Nursing including pediatric care, geriatric care, rehab, and urgent care. 

I started working with Homeopathy because, simply put, IT WORKS. I’ve seen it, over and over again, drastically improve quality of life when many other forms of treatment were ineffective.

IT IS GENTLE. It’s not harsh on the body.  IT IS COMPLETE.

Instead of seeing many different medical professionals for each of your separate concerns, with Homeopathy, you can get one treatment plan that encompasses healing for it all. 
I love Homeopathy because I have seen its success! 

I'm so glad you're here!


Hey! I'm

Meet your Homeopath

— yehudi menuhin —

- only benefits.

Homeopathy is one of the few medical specialties which carries no penalties

I talked to a friend who put me in contact with a Homeopathic Practitioner. She immediately told me she wanted to see my body reabsorb that blood clot. She put me on Arnica for the trauma, Nat Sulph for the head injury, Bellis Perennis for the deep muscle injury and blood clot, and Ledum to help my body reabsorb the clot!

One month later at a scheduled CAT scan to monitor my clot, my Neurosurgeon came to me in complete shock. He sat down and told me the blood clot was completely gone. I was not expecting such quick results. I was blown away & so was he! I continued with a Homeopathic protocol to help my body heal and as soon as I cold, I went to school for Homeopathy. I had to learn more about this amazing practice. 

Here I am today, after completing my schooling, fully convinced that Homeopathy works! It did wonders for me and I want to see others benefit from the beautiful resource that it is!  

that same day,

It's a story that people often tell me blow them away. I was pretty blown away myself with the effects my body saw.

My experience starts with a car accident. A few years ago I was in a car accident that was so bad, it nearly killed me. I still don’t remember that day, but I am told that I was airlifted to the nearest Trauma Center. Some of the major concerns were the severe concussion, a torn right carotid artery, and a huge blood clot in my brain less than a millimeter away from causing a severe stroke.

The hospital did all that they could, all they knew how. This included monitoring my neurological status, checking me for stroke, and putting me on blood thinners. They wanted to give me a permanent stent where the blood clot was, but I declined. I was not ready for brain surgery or a permanent metal rod in my head. My team of doctors including top rated Neurologists & Neurosurgeons came to me and my husband telling us that they were willing to give us 6 months. The clot was not expected to fade, that's why they were pushing for the stent, but they said they’d give me a chance to see if it could.

They leveled with me and basically said, 'If it hasn’t resolved in 6 months, we have to do the stent. It’s too dangerous to leave the blood clot there without intervention, you could drop dead from a stroke at any time.’  

I often get asked " What introduced you to Homeopathy?"



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