Frequently asked

Once an appointment is made for a chronic case, the initial consultation typically lasts between 1.5- 2 hours. I take an in-depth look so that we can address ALL your health concerns. We will go over your symptoms one by one and look at the story your body is trying to tell us about what it needs. After remedy selection & clear instructions on how to appropriately take it, we will select a date for our 1-month follow-up to ensure consistency and thoroughness. 

Follow-up appointments typically last no longer than 30 mins. Here we closely monitor your progress & make any needed adjustments to your remedy.

Acute case appointments last around 15-20 mins. This includes things like cold & flu symptoms, food poisoning, allergic reactions, injuries due to falls, cuts, accidents, etc. After discussing your symptoms, an appropriate remedy(s) is selected and clear usage instructions are given.  

What happens at an appointment? 

Do you have more questions?

Homeopathy is a gentle and a deep cure. While we often see quick results with acute treatments, for chronic cases, don’t expect overnight results. With a well-chosen remedy, You should see some improvement to your quality of life within the first month of treatment, even if that improvement is simply more energy or lifted spirits. Consistency is very important in Homeopathic treatment. As the months pass, you will see better and better quality of life, and your disturbances in health will resolve on a deeper and deeper level.  

How long does it take for Homeopathy to work? 

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune disturbances
  • Common cold / flu symptoms
  • Hypertension
  • Migraines
  • Muscle aches
  • Gastric upset
  • Food poisoning
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Gout
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • Depression
  • So much more..

Homeopathy CAN help with that!  

Homeopathy can help with Acute (short-term) and Chronic (long-term) illnesses / imbalances in your health. It can help with Physical imbalances, & Mental imbalances.

What can Homeopathy help with? 

Many Homeopathic Remedies are easily obtainable for the average person, while certain remedies & potencies need to specifically be obtained from a Certified Homeopath. The reason these remedies are so easily obtainable is because they are so safe. You do NOT need to worry about potential toxicity or potential overdose.
The treatment is gentle and thus safe for: 
  • Pregnant Women  
  • Newborns & Children  
  • Elderly people  
  • Immunocompromised people  
  • Fragile People  

How easy is it to get A Remedy? Do I need a Prescription? 

Homeopathic Remedies are made in Licensed pharmaceutical labs. There are not many Homeopathic labs or Pharmacies in America. However, worldwide, they are abundant and much easier to access. For people who don’t live near one, you can easily order remedies online for very reasonable prices.  

Where are Remedies made?

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic approach to restoring health.