Welcome to the Laced With Health Homeopathy Newsletter! Thank You for being here. My name is Lydia Gilds. I am a Certified Homeopath (C.Hom) who graduated from the Lotus Health Institute, Hahnemann Academy of North America. This school was opened & run by Robin Murphy, one of the Fathers of Homeopathy. It was amazing to get to hear Robin speak & share his knowledge with his students. While he unfortunately passed away towards the end of my schooling, his wife still runs the school & I am so happy to have experienced him while he was alive.
I am so glad to be fully immersed in my Homeopathic Practice & to be able to share my knowledge and experience with others. Let me explain a little bit more about how I got here. I come from a background in medicine. While I hated it the entire time, I went to school to become a nurse (that was grueling) and I practiced as a nurse for about 10 years. Each year I hated it more and more. Some nurses love their job & I love that for them. My mom had good experiences as a postpartum nurse, and I was happy she didn’t hate her job like I did. Personally, though, I was not happy with the limited amount that I was able to help people. I wanted to do more. I would see patients come to appointment after appointment without real help. The ‘go-to’ treatment was typically a harsh medication that would cause a slew of other unwanted health concerns. Even people in Western Medicine who genuinely want to bring true and lasting relief to their patients are limited by what Western Medicine offers.
Despite all of this, I kept tugging along for some time as a nurse, circumstantially unable to quit my job. This all came to a head when I was unfortunately in a very bad car accident. This accident nearly killed me. I still don’t remember that day, but I am told that I was airlifted to the nearest Trauma Center. Some of the major concerns were the severe concussion, a torn right carotid artery, and a huge blood clot in my brain less than a millimeter away from causing a severe stroke.
The hospital did all that they could, all they knew how. This included monitoring my neurological status, checking me for signs and symptoms of a stroke, and putting me on blood thinners. They also wanted to give me a permanent stent where the blood clot was, but I declined. I was not ready for brain surgery or a permanent metal rod in my head. My team of doctors including top-rated Neurologists & Neurosurgeons came to me and my husband telling us that they were willing to give us 6 months. The clot was not expected to fade, that’s why they were pushing for the stent, but they said they’d give me a chance to see if it could.
They leveled with me and basically said, ‘If it hasn’t resolved in 6 months, we have to do the stent. It’s too dangerous to leave the blood clot there without intervention, you could drop dead from a stroke at any moment.’
That same day, I talked to a friend who put me in contact with a Homeopathic Practitioner. She immediately told me that she wanted to see my body reabsorb the blood clot. She put me on Arnica for the trauma, Nat Sulph for the head injury, Bellis Perennis for the deep muscle injury and blood clot, and Ledum to help my body reabsorb the clot!
One month later at a scheduled CAT scan to monitor my clot, my Neurosurgeon came to me in complete shock. He sat down and told me the blood clot was completely gone. I was not expecting such quick results. I was blown away & so was he! I continued with a Homeopathic protocol to help my body heal and as soon as I cold, I went to school for Homeopathy. I had to learn more about this amazing practice.
When I was in school for Homeopathy, I learned so much about the body! I felt like my eyes were being opened. The body works as a whole, so why not take a wholistic (holistic) approach to Health? The body thrives when you do!
I know Homeopathy works. I have seen it improve quality of life in people who were told there was no chance of improvement. It is gentle, it is complete, and it is not invasive. I want to share Homeopathy with as many people as I can.
Thank You again for joining me! I will be releasing a newsletter monthly. I will also be incorporating occasional Homeopathy Workshops through Zoom for my audiences. There are exciting things to come. Always know that you can reach out if you have any questions. My email address is LacedWithHealth@gmail.com.
Until next time,